Cooperative - Services To Cooperatives

KRIBHCO encourages cooperatives to become self reliant and modern to face challenges of competition due to changing scenario of agriculture.

Primary Cooperative Societies staff is regularly trained in better business handling and providing efficient services to farmers.

KRIBHCO has track record of paying handsome dividend to its member cooperatives for their share capital contribution.

Marketing of fertilizers and seeds through cooperatives to provide quality products to the framers.

Utilization of available godowns of PACS for storing fertilizers.

Quantity rebate to cooperatives on actual urea purchase by the member cooperatives.

Ensuring competitive marketing terms to PACS for facing competition in glut situation.

Assistance to cooperative sale points for their face-lifting etc.

Organization of educational and promotional programs under the umbrella of the local cooperative for improving the linkage of farmers with societies.

Adoption of cooperative societies for its upliftment.

Quality Urea, phosphatic and complex fertilizers, Hybrid and Certified seeds, Bio-fertilisers, compost and Zinc Sulphate

Farmers are advised on agriculture-related problems Kisan Helplines on phone & e-mail

Printed farm literature

Fertilizers recommendations and other farm-related advice

Distribution of Agricultural implements

Construction of Storage-cum-community centres in rural areas for organizing social functions and storage of agro-inputs/produce.

Conferences/crop seminars, Kisan Melas, Field Demonstration, rural sports etc.

Health Campaign for farmers and their cattle, providing drinking water facility etc.